Latvian firm hails AGD 343 radar among the best on the marketafter highways monitoring trial.

Latvian firm hails AGD 343 radar among the best on the marketafter highways monitoring trial.

When specialist ITS company Jarva, based in Latvia, wanted to trial a highway-monitoring product, they turned to AGD Systems. Jarva works across civil and military sectors providing ideas, machines and equipment for law enforcement, logistics, ANPR, traffic counting and many other functions

The AGD 343 radar was used by the company as part of a trial in Olaine, a town on the outskirts of Latvia’s capital city Riga. The site was picked as it is one of the major arterial routes into Riga, with inductive loops monitoring the highway – Jarva, and their client Latvian Roads, wanted to trial a non-intrusive technology as a potential cost-effective alternative.

The 343 Highways Monitoring Radar is an easy-to-integrate traffic flow monitoring solution, capable of providing real-time data on multi-lane highways. It’s designed to dramatically enhance highways safety, capability and efficiency, providing detailed information in all weather conditions to inform control rooms and allow instant decision making.

The AGD 343 makes use of enforcement-grade radar and measurement techniques and can replace intrusive high-maintenance loops, coping easily with the many difficulties facing international road network installations.

Edgars Priede, Project Manager at Jarva, said the requirements were to identify a system which would detect each vehicle passing the radar and send data remotely, while also being easy to mount and use, and interfacing with back office software.

Remote technical support from the UK was also provided to optimise the radar’s performance during the trial.
The company found that the 343 met all of their requirements, and offered superior quality compared to other equipment trialled, stating it was ‘competitive and one of the best on the market’.